Basketball was created by James Naismith in 1891 at the YMCA, here in Montreal (CBC). This is weird because basketball isn't a very popular sport in Montreal as it is dominated by hockey. Nonetheless, basketball is an extremely popular sport all over the world and is an extremely fun activity to participate in. Some of the greatest athletes to ever live play basketball such as Lebron James, MIcheal Jordan, Kobe Bryant, and many others. These athletes are seen as heroes for many as people aspire to be like them.
Basketball is played on a rectangular court and is usually platween between two teams, 5v5. The point of the game is to put the ball in the circular hoop hanging higher than your head, without disobeying game rules of course. If you put the ball through the hoop, you are awarded points. James Naismith came up with this game when his students needed something to pass the time while it was raining outside (CBC), it is truly incredible to see how the game evolved from that into what it is today. The NBA is the professional basketball league that all basketball players dream of playing in. All the top basketball player in the world play in the NBA.
Canada has 1 basketball team that plays in the NBA which is based in Toronto, the Toronto Raptors. The sport in Canada is growing very fast over the past twenty years and more and more people are playing basketball in Canada. I'm a huge fan of the Raptors which sparked my passion for basketball, and this goes to show that there are many people like me who found a love for the game after watching the Raptors play.