Yellow Ball Sleeping

Gif of a yellow sleeping ball

This image was obtained from

This image contains a cute little yellow ball sleeping which brings happiness because it is a cute picture. The graphic format for this image is GIF.

Characteristics of GIF format

  1. Best used for line art and logos
  2. Maximum of 256 colors
  3. Can be animated
  4. One color can be configured to be transparent
  5. Minions

    Two Minions laughing

    This image was obtained from

    This image contains two cute little minons laughing with each other from the movie. This is interesting to me because I am a big fan of the minions. The graphic format for this image is JPG.

    Characteristics of JPG format

    1. Best used for photographs
    2. Up to 16.7 million colors
    3. Cannot be animated
    4. Cannot be made transparent
    5. Dice

      Rolling Dice

      This image was obtained from

      This image contains four different coloured dices. This is interesting to me because I love playing board games and love playing games with dice. The graphic format for this image is PNG.

      Characteristics of PNG format

      1. Support millions of colors
      2. Support multiple levels of transparency
      3. Combines the best of GIF and JPEG